Catherine Priggs
Catherine Priggs has been involved in History education for 15 years. During this time she has led and supported history departments within and outside her school setting as an SLE. She led history SCITT in Bedfordshire, and has worked with various other ITT providers. Since 2014, Catherine has worked as an Assistant Headteacher in two contrasting schools. In her current school, she leads on Teaching and Learning, ITT, and is CPD Lead for Astra Teaching School Hub.
Catherine enjoys being part of the history subject community. She is a member of the Historical Association’s Secondary Committee, has contributed to the journal ‘Teaching History’, and authors History textbooks/ handbooks and online resources. She regularly presents at conferences and delivers CPD for the Historical Association and Hodder Education, and is a GCSE Examiner and Author.
Catherine has completed multiple deployments as an educational consultant (deployments have included whole-school and history-specific foci).